Sunday, January 25, 2009

Talking to the dead

Every now and then it is something that must be done. My mother passed almost a year ago now. It was hard at first, very, very hard. I had closed myself off and I just couldn't deal with it. Once I realized it wasn't anything I could control she came to me and we could speak freely with one another. It's mostly just going through as if nothing has changed. Then there are times that she is trying to get to me but I am not opened and it comes out all fucked up. Where I have witnessed her dying or her casket is on my bed things that scare the shit out of me. I waited a very long time before visiting the graveyard again. I went out there a few days ago and it was insane. Since I am already sensitive to other worldly vibrations it was like walking into a Starbucks. I hadn't really realized that I left myself so opened to all dead. I worked in an environment where it was usually chaotic so any new voices or actions wouldn't make their way to me. But when I was alone just me and my thoughts it was there all of them.
I have been working a little toward becoming efficient with necromancy on all levels. I have taken too much time off from studying that I have become a little rusty. So when the dead speak I'm sometimes overwhelmed. Now in private I have picked up my studying. When its just me and the kitten b/c it makes things easier. Once I move into my bigger place I'll be able to set everything up the way it needs to be and it'll be easier.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Blog blog. This is my first blog for this blog. I don't really have a specific outline for this blog. Its just where the thoughts go. There is no purpose, there is no mission. The first post is always the hardest so now the next one will be easy.