Monday, November 9, 2009

First tale of vacation...

So my trip to NOLA. One of the best trips ever and my first real vacation. That city is full of history. I am a bit of a nerd so I was happy just walking around looking at the architecture and historical sights. It was beautiful. Being sensitive with a sixth sense it was an adventure. I now understand why it is one of the most haunted cities in America. It wasn’t bad haunts though. It was normal spirits just hanging out like people. It was awesome being in a city where the occult and esoteric is just second nature. They do not lie when they say that is a city full of vampires and other beings. Halloween is always the time when others come out and play because no one notices us. I fell in infatuation with another feline. The time that he had taken with his makeup and costume was marvelous. If I lived there I would’ve gotten rid of girlfriend and settled down. The closest anyone gets to physical shift is well applied prosthetics and makeup. He was gorgeous. There was another but she wasn’t put together as well. I’ll post pictures when I can get everything together.

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