Thursday, November 4, 2010

Brief Rant on Relationships

The biggest part of any relationship is communication. I don't care if you're boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, affianced, sisters, brothers, bffs etc.....if you don't have a good communication level it probably is a very rocky relationship with trust issues. Talk about everything and anything this includes all non-verbal communication as well. You don't want to give off the wrong signals. The more you communicated to more comfortable you'll be when there's those sticky issues you need to discuss. things that you might not feel that comfortable w/at first will be easier to talk about.
The above is what I posted to my Facebook and it got me thinking even more. My fiancĂ© responded with “I say all relationships are maintained with carefully orchestrated lies and half truths. Ask and old married couple. They will tell you.” So how should I feel about that???? What the heck is up with our communication? I screwed up in the early years of our relationship with lies and hiding information and tons of secrets. Since then I like to be honest but am I not supposed to?
No this isn’t one of those post about relationships was just thinking about it. A friend of mine who we will call Meagan has just gotten married and has since found a guy that she is sexually attracted to. She is being tempted and doesn’t know how to react so she asked about a few things. I told her the truth and advised her to talk to her husband and see what happens. She would not be able to keep it a secret and knowing him……well…..he might not be too happy. Possibly a bit violently not happy and I do not want to be part of that. Ya know plausible deniability. If you cheat it isn’t good. Getting emotionally involved it will end bad where as letting him know that there might be a need for some new flavor it’ll be a lot easier. I do not condone sleeping around when you’re in any committed relationship but I do recommend letting your other half know that there may be a need for something a little extra. The idea of wanting to be with someone else sometimes stems from lack of excitement in the bedroom. Personally it takes a lot to be sexually attracted to another man. It has been years. If it happens I will tell my fiancĂ©. I won’t go jumping another guys bones. If I need to then we’ll discuss it. Sometimes you just need to fuck someone else and get it out your system. Biggest rule DO NOT GET EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED. Ok got that out of my system. I feel better.

****Side note I love him b/c he gets me. I can talk to him about anything from what I’m reading to magick to the economy and everywhere in between. I don’t have to be someone else. He is the only person who I can be me in front of no matter how much it shows my weirdness. I can belch, cry and spit in front of him and it doesn’t matter.

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