Wednesday, February 18, 2009

People as pets b/c they are manipulated easily

Testing humans and their habits has been a very fun time. Someone said to me “I don’t let what others say affect my actions or how I think”. I thought about that for a couple days and started my experiment. This is one of my new co-workers and she’s a little…..hood-ratish. There’s this guy who is like GQ suburban thug more GQ than thug. Yea there is such a thing as a suburban thug. A thug who used to a hustler in the hood but has graduated and done something with his life, but still have carries on the aspects of the thug lifestyle b/c its been engrained in them. Anyway……. The characters are going to be, uh, Marie and Vince to protect the identities of those involved.
After I had a couple of days to think and plan my experiment I moved forward. I told Marie that Vince had a crush on her. He is not the type of guy she’s into. She likes high rollers who are flashy and big spenders. Vince is not so much that type of guy. The first day there was not much of a change. After that it was heads first flirting. She isn’t Vince’s type. He likes funny smart girls who are thinkers and head strong. The funny thing is Vince has a crush on me. Yea that made things even more interesting. B/c now the experiment is, will she treat him differently and how will she treat me since he isn’t interested in her? No one knows except me that this is going on. He’s cool people and he’s going to be on my team once I’m out of training so we hang out at lunch and talk. She hasn’t changed her attitude toward me yet but I’m expecting soon. I do get those eyes from her when we’re laughing together. It’s still on for another 4 weeks until we split into our normal groups. There will be and update.


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