Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Who's in your bed?

Gay or Straight? Neither. The world is full of people who feel that you have to be one or the other. Nope. In the history books everyone was just full of love and no one cared about who was with whom. At some point someone decided that it was wrong to just be loving on everyone. Why? It doesn’t matter who you love or want to be with. I don’t care what people think b/c this is my life and I will love anyone and possibly everyone. Bisexual isn’t an option from my POV bisexual doesn’t exist. Most people who claim to be bisexual just want attention b/c it’s usually some loud chick who wants everyone paying attention to her. Yeah I said chick b/c I haven’t encountered a male who considered themselves extremely bisexual. There’s always some female who had a bad experience with guys and just wants to be like all her little friends who also probably never have been with a woman. It pisses me off. If you like both then guess what you’re human. Its human nature to be in love with whom ever your heart feels is worth your time. It doesn’t matter what’s in their pants and under their shirts. Love is love and love and why should it matter? I just don’t see where it’s a big deal. I grew up and my mom had gay friends and I had gay and straight friends. It doesn’t really matter. I guarantee that people who might not know about me won’t change their mind about how they feel about me b/c of who I take into my bedroom. I just doesn’t change who you are. There are straight people I hate and gay people. I am an equal opportunity hater and lover. I am prejudice. I don’t like anyone who isn’t like me. Screw people who want to hate over something so insignificant.

I'm done now. I just had a moment today. I'm good now.

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